terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011

On board - Sexta 25/Nov

Noite de sexta. She can be anything she wants! _________________ SHE is. Edição de lançamento SHE is Alessandra Ambrósio. Who is she on the dance floor? She is sexy! crazy? She is sensual! naughty? She is perverted! dangerous!!! She is mysterious! . Who run the world? GIRLS . live! . MARINA ARAUJO . DANI MORAIS . Who run the motha? GIRLS . deejays! . BABI . MANU . LU REIFF . Video Jockey VALE TUDO [ QUASE ] . Na pista, GIRLS DANCERS! Welcome OPEN with BACKER! . OPEN cerveja backer até 01.30 . SHOT TEQUILA para ELAS! . PRISÃO MASCULINA Homens presos no camarote até 01:30 [ camarote open bar cerveja ] lista tonalista.com@gmail.com . Fem $20 . Masc $30 check in até 01:00h. Sexta, she can be anything she wants! Produção executiva :: Ultra Music Brasil.

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